What does the Oddsmatcher do?
It automatically scans and compares the odds of every bookmaker and betting exchange to find the best Matched Betting opportunities.
It then display the closest odds between the bookmaker and betting exchange in an easy-to-read list – within seconds.
First look
When you first open the Oddsmatcher you will get an overview of the best matches of all bookmakers and betting exchanges in the Oddsmatcher system.

Refresh Search
You can always refresh the search by clicking on the little refresh button in the top right corner.

Row Items

The “Time/Date” (Datum/Uhrzeit) column indicates when the event is going to happen.
The little football Icon tells us that it is a football event.
The “Details” column indicates the sporting event (Spartak v Zenit St Petersburg in the first row).
The “Bet” (Wette) column indicates which Selection to BACK and LAY (in other words, which result you should BACK and LAY). In the first row the selection is Zenit St Petersburg. This means you back at the Bookmaker that Zenit St Petersburg wins. At the same time you lay that Zenit St Petersburg does not win, at the Betting Exchange.
The “Type” (Art) column is the type of Market. In this case it is Match Odds, which for example is different to betting on the Correct Score.
The “Rating” (Bewertung) column is a representation of how close the BACK and LAY odds are. The higher the number the closer the odds. The closer the odds, the better the match and the higher the profit. Ratings over 100 are highlighted in red. These should be avoided as they are Arbs (see Glossary).
The “SNR” column (Stake Not Returned) column indicates how much money you will extract from a free bet. We normally try and get odds above 5 as explained in the “Why do I not make €10 when I have a €10 free bet” guide. For SNR free bets you should aim to get between 70 and 80%.
The little “i” in a blue circle. If you click on this icon you will open the Oddsmatcher Calculator. If the calculator is not automatically shown – click on Show Calculator (Match-Rechner). The calculator will be covered more in detail below.
The “Bookmaker” column shows the name of the Bookmaker and also provides you with a quick link to their website. This is where you’ll place the BACK bet.
The “BACK” column tells us what BACK odds are available at the Bookmaker.
The “Exchange” column shows the name of the Betting Exchange and provides you with a quick link to their website. This is where you’ll place the LAY bet.
The “LAY” column tells us what LAY odds are available at the exchange.
The ‘Avail’ column tells us how much there is available to LAY at the exchange odds. In this example, there is €20,36 available to LAY. If we wanted to LAY a larger amount than €20,36, we should look for a different selection.
The Oddsmatcher Calculator (Simple Mode)
Hopefully you will recognise the calculator from my Matched Betting Guide.
The match in this example is Manchester City against Schalke.
As you can see the Matched Betting calculator tells you exactly how much to bet and what the outcome will be.
In the example above I stand to lose €0.50 if I place €10 on Draw at the bookmaker VBet and lay €10,01 at the betting exchange Matchbook.
You can change the stake as needed and you should always remember to change from normal (qualifying bet) to free bet depending on what type of bet you are placing.
In the top left section you can see a few details about the chosen match.
Underneath the match details you can see the back and lay odds, the bookmaker and the betting exchange. There are also direct links to the bookmaker and betting exchange.
The little button at the bottom left can be used to hide and show the calculator.
On the top right side you can see the different bet types. They will be explained further below.
Underneath the bet types you can see your stake, the bookmaker and betting exchange odds and commission. You can change these cells manually.
At the bottom right you can see a complete breakdown of your bet.

The Oddsmatcher Calculator (Advanced Mode)
Overlaying and underlaying can easily be manually adjusted in the advanced mode of the calculator.
Just drag the slider until you reach amounts you are satisfied with. Everything is calculated for you instantly.

Bet Type
When you place a qualifying bet, you should use the normal mode. Here you place a bet using your own money.
SNR (stake not returned)
99% of free bets are SNR bets.
A stake not returned free bet means that if your free bet wins, the stake will not be included in the winnings.
For example, a bookmaker gives you a €10 SNR free bet and you bet on a selection at odds of 5,00.
If your selection were to win, you would receive €40 back (instead of €50) as the €10 free stake is not returned.
Please see this guide for more explanation and how you can increase your profit from free bets.
SR (Stake returned)
A stake returned free bet means that your bet stake will also be included if your bet wins.
For example, a bookmaker gives you a €10 SR free bet and you bet on a selection at odds of 5,00.
If your selection were to win, you would receive €50 back (instead of €40 in the SNR example) as the €10 free stake is also returned.

Let’s assume you have filtered your search to only include games from the Bookmaker Tipico and Betting Exchange Matchbook.
Let’s say you have found an offer at Tipico that will give you a free bet if you place a qualifying bet.
To save time, you filter your search, and to maximise your profit you find the closest match. The alternative is to do this manually, which is almost impossible as you would have to look through thousands of betting combinations.

Under “Limit Sports” (Sportarten einschränken) you can choose the sport you are looking for to bet on, e.g. football.
In “Limit Market” (Märkte einschränken) you can select the market you are interested in, e.g. match odds.
Under “Limit Bookmaker” Buchmacher einschränken) you can select the Bookmaker you want. This is a full list and will also include disabled Bookmakers even though they are not featured in your default search.
Under “Limit Exchanges” (Wettbörsen einschränken) you should always tick the Exchange that you have access to.
Under “Match Rating” (Bewertung) you can decide the match closeness range. Remember anything above 100% is an Arb, which should be avoided. The Oddsmatcher highlights these for you in red.
Under “Back Odds” (Quoten) you can specify the range of odds you are looking for. E.g. if you are looking to place a free bet you should set the minimum odds to 5,00 to avoid including lower odds in your search.
You can specify your search under “Min. Liquidity” ( Min. Liquidität) to ensure there is enough liquidity in the Exchange to lay your bet.
Under “Event Time” (Zeit des Ereignis) you can specify how far in the future you want the Oddsmatcher to search. I would advise you to not place bets more than 7 days in the future as this looks a bit suspicious in the eyes of a Bookmaker and also it ties up your money for a week.
Filter example for Bet365 Sign-Up Offer
Link to the Bet365 sign-up offer guide.

Please ask in the Forum if you have any questions.